Has it been three months since the release of Solarium? Actually, longer at this point. And we have not been idle here in Solarium-land.
Something Beautiful, Colourful
The first bit of news is something I have been alluding to for a long time on Facebook and it’s been one of the worst-kept secrets. Several DJ friends of mine have known this for a while, it’s something that I am very proud of.
During the summer and shortly after Solarium was released, I was asked to do my first remix and it’s coming out shortly. Let’s just say it’s not every day that you get writing credits along with Taylor/Taylor/Taylor/Rhodes/Lebon – Yes, the original members of Duran Duran.
Let’s just say, when I said to the artist I did the remix for, “I’ve got a track that I need your opinion on” and they don’t recognize that it’s their track just remixed, you know you did a great job. That’s all I can say for now.
I did one mix of the track in question, and planned on using a variant for the intro to the new album. Of course when you do that and make that intro piece a kick ass piece of music, you have to incorporate that into a much bigger mix. So I’m doing both an album mix and a classic 12 inch mix.
Work has me on a bit of a non-stop travel schedule for the next few weeks having been to Dallas last week, Portland after this week and then Christmas holidays between Vancouver, Victoria and Port Alberni BC.
In Dallas I had the mobile studio with me which includes my laptop, Logic Pro X, Ableton Live 9, Native Instruments Komplete 9 Ultimate and my MicroKorg 25. There’s nothing like getting into bed with everything and starting writing. Sadly or fortunately in the area I’m staying in, there isn’t much to do. I’ve done this a few times in Dallas, in fact Sunset was mostly completed in Dallas at the Marriott DFW. This time, the first track of the new album was completed at the Westin DFW and Terminal E of DFW.
For the Portland/Vancouver/Victoria/Portland jaunt I will actually be taking my Ableton Push to finally learn the beast. I’ve always looked at it as something for playing live, but I really do need to learn how to use it as it has a bunch of great sounds and will kick up my writing to the next level.
Album #2
The as yet untitled album number 2 already has 5 tracks completed. I’m looking to complete 6 or 7 more tracks in my own time frame. I have no idea when I’m going to complete them as I have no specific time frame.
The concept for the album is simple. Involving friends. I already have the artwork completed and I am looking to collaborate with people on the album. So if you’re interested in making a contribution, let me know.
That said, I have a new track uploaded to Soundcloud called “Terminal Nexus” a 128 bpm track which represents the direction in which I want to go with the next album. This will be the first track on the album. Special thanks to Myke Hutchings, Michael Morin and Drake Jensen for the inspiration behind Terminal Nexus. You can hear it here:
I am long overdue for a vBlog. Unfortunately the vBlogs I created during the remix project didn’t turn out properly so I am going to have to re-do them. Doh!
That’s it for now!